The Sacrament of the Sick
Throughout his earthly mission, Christ spent a great deal of time bringing healing and consolation to those who were sick. The Church has been charged by Christ to continue in this mission of compassion. Throughout all of our history, dating even back into the New Testament, we have gathered together the ill and the healthy for the celebration of the Sacrament of the Sick.
he Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is a sacred gift to those among us struggling with illness. It is not Last Rites, nor is it giving up, but rather, it is living in community with one another and asking for the grace of God to enter into our illness.
The Sacrament of the Sick is a particular gift of the Holy Spirit (CCC 1519) in which the anointed receives strengthening, peace, and courage in the confrontation of illness.
In addition to inviting God’s presence into the illness on a bodily level, it does so on a spiritual level as well by praying for the healing of our souls and thus participates in our baptism to cleanse us of sin.
Furthermore, the sick person who receives this sacrament contributes to the overall well-being of the Church by contributing to its sanctification. (CCC 1522). The Sacrament of the Sick is intended for all those among us who are suffering from serious illnesses, particularly those with a potentially life-threatening condition.
Prayers for the Sick and Deceased
Parishioners who are hospitalized or ill, or a member of the infirm parishioner’s family, may call to request inclusion on the prayer list. In addition, a family member may request a recently deceased loved one’s name be added to the prayer list. Please call the Parish office at (312) 226-7887.
In the Hospital?
Because of HIPAA Privacy regulations, hospitals can no longer contact the parish regarding your hospitalization. It is the responsiblity of you or a family member to notify our parish. To have a priest visit you or a family member in the hospital please call the parish office at (312) 226-7887.