The Catholic Sacrament of Reconciliation (also known as Penance, or Penance and Reconciliation) has three elements: conversion, confession and celebration. In it we find God’s unconditional forgiveness; as a result we are called to forgive others.
First Communion

First Holy Communion. Religious Education students are prepared to celebrate the sacraments of Penance (confession) and First Holy Communion in Grade 3. However, if for any reason a child was unable to celebrate the sacraments at this particular time, sacramental preparation and celebration will be provided to all children who are beyond this grade level.
Policy Concerning the Reception of the Sacraments. Children are to be enrolled in religious education classes the year prior to the year of sacramental reception as a norm. This means if a child is to receive communion in Grade 3, they are to be enrolled in Grade 2. Parents must show proof of the child’s baptism and other sacraments that have been received.
Registration. All students must be registered in the Religious Education Program and must have a completed registration form , and baptismal certificate, on file in the Religious Education Office. You may pick up registration forms in the rectory at your convenience;
Sacrament Fees. In addition to tuition, a sacrament fee of $150 for each sacrament is required.
Baptismal Certificate You will need to provide us with a copy of the baptismal certificate o the child who wants to receive the Sacrament of First Holy Communion. All baptismal certificates are due beforehand.
Attendance. All students are to be regular and punctual in attendance. If a child misses classes frequently without a valid reason, the Director of Religious Education and catechist will ask to meet with the parents to address the issue. In addition, children are expected to attend both Sunday Liturgy and classes on a consistent basis. This is the only way they will be able to connect and comprehend the material(s) presented in class.
Parent Meetings. Parents Meetings are conducted for the benefit of those parents whose child is being prepared for the reception of a sacrament. Parent Meetings will take place at St. Procopius Church or in the school gym. You will be notified ahead of time where and when the meetings will take place.
There are five mandatory classes for the parents and god-parents. You will be notified about these classes at the beginning of the program in September. Yu have to attend these five classes if you want your son/daughter to receive the Sacrament of First Communion.